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OtapediaPopular Supporting Characters - Final Fantasy

Throughout the Final Fantasy series produced by Square Enix, a number of famous characters have been produced. These characters are a popular choice in cosplay and many enthusiasts dress up for events like KupoCon, a traveling Final Fantasy fan convention. These characters are also often depicted in various forms of fan art as well. The number of derivative games games in which Final Fantasy characters appear is so long, it would be impossible to list everyone, but one of the most popular series that features such characters is Kingdom Hearts.

Mascots and other popular characters of the series include the Chocobos, Moogles, and a type of enemy called Cactuars.

This article will take a look at some popular Final Fantasy characters not yet covered in this collection of writings. We take an in depth look at Auron from Final Fantasy X, Kefka from Final Fantasy VI, Balthier from Final Fantasy XII, and Vivi Orinitier from Final Fantasy IX, and others.


Auron (Final Fantasy X) was a warrior monk, but later became a mentor to the Final Fantasy X party characters. He brings the protagonist, Tidus to Spira in order to allow him to save the planet. He appears like a samurai and has a great aesthetic and personality, a get-it-done business kind of mindset, and offers great dialogue throughout the game. It is later revealed that he is actually a dead spirit. His commitment to the team and sense of justice make him a great character.


Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) is the general of the Gestahlian Empire and the main antagonist of Final Fantasy 6. Despite looking a lot like a clown, Kefka’s specialty is not making people laugh. At the beginning of the game, he is bent upon conquering the world by any means necessary, disregarding life to such a degree that he orders his soldiers to commit genocide all for the sake of capturing espers and eventually becomes bent on destroying the entire world. If you are looking for a great villain, he is your man. Loud and not known for managing his anger, he is a crazy nihilist who lusts for nothing but destruction.


A big question debated among fans regarding Final Fantasy 12 is who the protagonist of the story really is. Regardless of what the answer to that question might be, Balthier is certainly a hero of the game. He is a pirate that commands a group of airships and helps form a resistance against the Archadian Empire. He is a cunning and smart character that is always ready for action and is well-known for formulating good strategies and tactics. He is often in the spotlight and it is very hard not to develop a soft spot for him. Although he is the son of Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, the scientist that was to blame for the Archadian Empire’s advanced war technology, he ran away from home to be a pirate of the skies.

Vivi Ornitier

Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX) is a black mage from Final Fantasy IX. Even though he may look small and unconvincing, Vivi can pack quite a punch in combat. He is one of many such mages that were created as tools for war, but was adopted by Qu and separated from the rest of his companions. He was curious and ventured out and eventually found the main cast of the game and ended up aiding them on their mission to find the lost princess. Not only is he cute, but he displays an incredible development of character as the game progresses, starting out as inexperienced and naive and becoming a true asset and powerful team member by the end of the game.

Cecil Harvey

Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV) is a Dark Knight that became a paladin. Final Fantasy IV follows Cecil as the main protagonist, where he leads a military battalion stealing crystals for his king. However, Cecil eventually learns that he is working for the evil side, as the stolen crystals allow the Lunarians to invade the Earth. Instead of being generic and basic, Cecil is a multifaceted character and players witness him transform from someone that simply follows orders into a character that becomes skeptical and begins to question his master. Eventually, he must face the Dark Knight version of himself, which he manages to defeat in an incredible fashion.


Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics) is the lead mercenary and main protagonist in Final Fantasy Tactics. He evolves from a young boy simply trying to prove himself worthy of upholding his family name to a selfless hero, making him one of the best examples of a virtuous character in the entire Final Fantasy series.


Lulu ((Final Fantasy X) is one of the series’ sexiest characters and elevated the image of a black mage to new levels. She is definitely a bit of a risque character, but has the power to cast a number of strong spells. She is indispensable in combat and also has a strong head on her shoulders.


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