Pokémon Accessorizing Gets Fiery With New Flareon Necklace!

Pokémon Accessorizing Gets Fiery With New Flareon Necklace!

U-TREASURE's beautiful series of Eeveelution-inspired necklaces are a great way for fans to show how much they adore the beloved Pokémon, and its newest addition stars the fire evolution Flareon!

Flareon appears atop a Pokéball with an eye-catching red ruby, an appropriate choice for the fiery Pokémon. Three versions are available: Platinum 950 (65,000 yen), K18 Yellow/Pink/White Gold (55,000 yen), and Silver (12,000 yen).

The Eeveelution necklace series began in November 2016 with a piece featuring Eevee itself. Since then, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon designs have also been released.

The Flareon necklace is now available through the U-TREASURE online shop as well as U-TREASURE Shinjuku and K.UNO in Nagoya. To learn more, check out the official U-TREASURE project page.

Source: PR TIMES


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