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OtapediaFate Sieg

Sieg - Fate


Sieg is the main protagonist of Fate/Apocrypha and the Master of Rider of Black during the Great Holy Grail War. He is a homunculus created by Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia as part of the Black Faction’s homunculi army, some of which fought on the frontlines and others were used by Caster of Black to power his golems. Due to his high quality magic circuits, Caster of Black (Avicebron) intended to use him as the core for his Noble Phantasm, Golem Keter Malkuth. He is at first a blank slate of a person and must discover who he is, what he believes in, and what he wants to live and fight for. After receiving Siegfried’s heart, he becomes more selfless and sure of himself. He has a kind nature and wants to help others. He sees the good in others and has a habit of putting the well-being of others above his own. Over the course of the war, he begins having feelings for Jeanne d’Arc and realizes that he loves her.


Sieg looks like a typical Einzbern-type homunculus with messy brown hair and dark red eyes. He wears a black vest over a white long-sleeve shirt and black pants with black shoes. At the beginning, his body is atrophied and he is quite frail. However, he becomes stronger once he receives Siegfried’s heart.


Sieg possesses first-class magic circuits and was bred to power Avicebron’s Noble Phantasm, Golem Keter Malkuth. He is able to use basic magecraft. After gaining Siegfried’s heart, he becomes physically stronger and more resilient, and he is able to transform into Siegfried’s form. In this form, he is able to use all of Siegfried’s experience, combat knowledge, techniques, and Noble Phantasm, although his strength still falls short of that of a regular Heroic Spirit. His Siegfried form is hard to maintain, however, and he is limited to only 3 minutes each time he uses it. After being revived by Frankenstein’s monster’s Noble Phantasm, Blasted Tree, a piece of her is imbued into him, giving him the ability to use her Noble Phantasms, Bridal Chest and Blasted Tree, which he uses to defeat Shirou.


Sieg awakes inside an energy tank in the Yggdmillennia Castle and is able to break out using his magic circuits to cast a spell that shatters the glass. He sees countless other homunculi unconscious in tanks around him and flees. He is found by Rider of Black (Astolfo), who hides him away and helps him recover. He is told that as a homunculus he only has three years to live, and he spends time being troubled over not knowing what to do with his life. He escapes the castle with Astolfo’s help, but is caught in the woods by Gordes, who accidently kills him. Siegfried then gives him his heart in order to heal him and bring him back to life. Inspired by Siegfried’s action, Jeanne d’Arc promises to protect him. Jeanne is able to escort Sieg to safety and he is taken in by a farmer. However, he comes to realize that his purpose is to help free his fellow homunculi and heads back to the castle, which has become the battleground of the Great Holy Grail War. After rescuing the homunculi and leading them out of the castle, he is drawn into battle with Morded and is critically wounded. Before his death, Siegfried gives him his power and he becomes a Master of Black and is able to transform into Siegfried’s form. After Astolfo’s Master, Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia, is killed in battle by Mordred, Sieg makes a contract with him and becomes his Master.

He reunites with Jeanne on the battlefield, who is worried about him being a part of the war, and later teams up with some of the members of the Yggdmillennia family along with Sisigou and Saber of Red (Mordred) in order to stop Shirou from activating the Greater Grail. He starts becoming closer to Jeanne, who comes to understand his reasons for wanting to fight. The two spend the day together in the city and Sieg comes to appreciate humanity and see humans as ultimately good. However, shortly after this he becomes lost in the illusion of Assassin of Black’s (Jack the Ripper’s) Noble Phantasm, which shows him the atrocities humans are capable of, and his belief in humanity as being inherently good is shaken. Jeanne is able to reassure him of humanity’s goodness and he comes to realize that he loves her.

Sieg helps the others in their assault on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, where he battles and defeats Lancer of Red (Karna), and is able to save Jeanne, who finally accepts that she loves him too. Sieg battles against Shirou and is able to defeat him using his own version of Frankenstein’s monster’s Noble Phantasm, Blasted Tree. However, he is also killed in the process and wakes up inside the Grail along with Astolfo. Sieg tells the Grail that his wish is to become a dragon that can carry the Grail to the Reverse Side of the World, a place no human can get to where Shirou’s wish on the Grail will be nullified. As his final act as his Master, he commands Astolfo to go out into the world and bring joy to people. Some time later, Jeanne’s soul reaches the Reverse Side of the World and the two reunite and embark on a journey together.

Other Appearances

Sieg appears in his dragon form in both Fate/Apocrypha: Inheritance of Glory and Fate/Labyrinth.

Fate & FGO