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OtapediaA Look at Fate Heaven's Feel Figures

A Look at Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Figures

The term “Heaven’s Feel” most typically refers to the Heaven’s Feel narrative route of the Fate/stay night series. The three routes tell the same basic story with some variations here and there. If you ask which is the best route, you’ll get different answers from different people. Some people prefer Fate/stay night - Heaven’s Feel for its darker and more horrific tones than the other routes, while some people might downright hate it. Or at least, they hate certain events that happen in it. Regardless, it remains popular and well-known to the fans. Currently, the story is being released as a trilogy of films, with the third and final one set to come out this year. As such, plenty of collectible merchandise has been made to coincide with the movies. Let’s take a look at some noteworthy figures that are or have been available for purchase on TOM’s Shop!

Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Saber Alter 1/7 Scale Figure
One way that Heaven’s Feel greatly diverges from the other routes is the appearance of fan favorite character, Saber Alter. Saber Alter is pretty much what happens when Saber submits to the Dark Side (that’s a Star Wars joke reference, not a Fate one, just to be clear). If vanilla Saber’s nobility and honor isn’t your cup of tea, then Saber Alter may just be the waifu for you. And this pre-order figure, which is set to be released in early 2021, is one of the ultimate collectibles available of the character. The locks of Saber Alter’s hair flow upward separately, almost as if they are being lifted by some invisible dark aura. Her shiny black and purple arm has red lines running through it, reminding us of blood veins. Great effort was spent by Katsuyoshi Miyajima and Stronger in sculpting the base of the figure, which is much more creative than your average base. A pool of the muck caused by the Holy Grail is reaching out to consume Saber Alter. But even cooler than that visual is the optional visor that is cracked just enough to let Saber’s eye peak out. It’s a horrific image, and it’s awesome!

EXQ Figure Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Sakura Matou
Heaven’s Feel is also considered the route in which protagonist Shirou Emiya choos Sakura Matou to be his main squeeze. That’s right, Sakura, not Rin or Saber. And true to that love affair, Sakura and Shirou even get it on in the movies. It’s actually a really romantic and sweet love scene between the two of them. Too bad Sakura is corrupted and turns into an evil killer. But that’s certainly not the side of her that being highlighted here. This figure of Sakura is as sweet and soft as it gets. She innocently holds up one hand to her mouth while the other holds the edge of her pretty white dress. And she has such an endearing smile on her face. Please do what you can for her, Shirou!

Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Sakura Matou Kimono Version 1/7 Scale Figure
If you’re looking for a little more magic in your Sakura figure than we saw in the previous figure, then look no further. This piece has Sakura Matou in a lovely kimono. At 9.4” tall, Katsuyoshi Miyajima has once again made a work of art. Sakura’s kimono has an eye-catching and intricate cherry blossom pattern to it. That makes sense, since her name is “Sakura” after all. It totally suits her. In fact, flowers play a big part in this piece. She holding some flowers in her hands very delicately and there are multiple flowers in her hair. Sakura is definitely living up the “elegant waifu” trope. Again, Sakura’s expression is soft and calm, as she’s known to have. We think one of the greatest features of this figure is that her kimon actually covers the ground. From a logistical standpoint, this provides solid balance for the figure to stay upright. As an aesthetic, it’s wonderful because it really gives off the illusion of actual fabric that bends and flows due to gravity. Because this figure was released a while back, it’s out of stock and probably not being produced anymore. But enough fans want to buy it, Aniplex may answer their prayers with a reproduction!

figma Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Saber Alter 2.0
Since we looked at two Sakura Matou figures, it’s only fair that we review another Saber Alter, for symmetry. If you want more action in your Saber Alter, you can’t go wrong with this figma produced by Max Factory, which is an upgrade to a previous Saber Alter figma. True to the flexibility and articulation of figma figures, this Saber Alter is able to bend her arms even in that bulky armor. She can even cross her arms so that her hands rest atop the hilt of the jet black Excalibur. What’s great about this Saber Alter is that she comes with three different face plates, allowing collectors to display her with a range of emotions. And again she comes with a trademark visor that you can have on or take off. Overall, it’s a great looking figure to create battle scenes with your other Servant figmas!

Fate & FGO