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OtapediaFinal Fantasy Tactics - Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Tactics, developed by Square, is the first tactical RPG strategy game and the first title in the Final Fantasy Tactics series, released on PlayStation in 1997. The game inspired a re-release in 2007 as Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions on the PSP, one of the handful of Final Fantasy PSP games. Final Fantasy Tactics garnered universal acclaim and generally positive reviews and inspired a number of spinoffs. At the time of its release, Game Informer described the game as, “the most impressive strategy RPG yet.”


“Time's river flows unbroken through the ages. And in the torrent, myriad histories whirl. But how much of what they tell us is the truth? And how many truths are forever lost to the river's flow…”
Final Fantasy Tactics takes place in a medieval styled kingdom named Ivalice. Ivalice is a medieval kingdom still suffering from the consequences of the “Fifty Years War”. Like many medieval societies, it is divided along class lines, starting with great noble families like the House Beoulve, holding power over countless peasants, lords presiding in the provinces in kingdoms, and the monarchy is being weakened by intrigue. The game's main protagonist is Ramza Beoulve, a highborn cadet that finds himself caught in “The Lion War”, where two factions have been pitted against one another to ascend the throne of the kingdom. As the story progresses, Ramza and his allies discover a sinister plot behind the war.


  • Ramza Beoulve - The youngest son of the noble Beoulve family. Ramza becomes determined to fight against corruption throughout Ivalice, and is guided by a strong moral compass.
  • Mustadio Bunansa - A Machinist from Goug Machine City of Ivalice. He joins the team after Ramza helps him and his father.
  • Agrias Oaks - A Holy Knight of the Ivalice kingdom and main protector of Princess Ovelia.
  • Rapha Galthena - Marach's sister, a Skyseer and member of the Khamja assassination squad.
  • Marach Galthena - Rapha's brother, a Netherseer and member of the Khamja assassination squad.
  • Count Cidolfus "Thundergod Cid" Orlandeau - A strong and famous swordsman, a Friend of Ramza's father who took on the father figure role to Orran.
  • Meliadoul Tengille - A Divine Knight who discovered the truth of the auracites.
  • Beowulf Cadmus - Previously a captain of the Gryphon Knights of Lionel, he now is searching for his fiancée Reis Duelar.
  • Reis Duelar - Fiancée of Beowulf Cadmus first met in the form of a Holy Dragon.
  • Construct 8 - A mechanical being from the time of Saint Ajora Glabados.
  • Byblos - A large creature that appears like a Reaver.
  • Cloud Strife - The protagonist of Final Fantasy VII in the main franchise of Final Fantasy who is lost and found himself in Ivalice.


Final Fantasy Tactics carries on the job system, magic and the battle system characteristic of the Final Fantasy franchise. Players are able to select different jobs for their characters, each job associated with different abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Battles are fought using the Charge Time Battle system, whereby a combat bar fills and at max capacity, allows for a character to carry out an action. Instead of taking place on a two dimensional plane with opposing sides, combat takes place on a 3D isometric plane. Order of turns depends on which CTB bar filled last, the rate it refills is dependent on a speed statistic. If a successful attack is carried out, EXP points, and job points are acquired. As job points are accumulated, players are able to unlock new jobs and abilities. There are a myriad of different jobs, including but not limited to advanced classes such as Monk, Mystic, Ninja, Thief, Time Mage, Onion Knight, Dragoon, Orator, Samurai, Geomancer, and Summoner. Recruits start out as either the Squire or Chemist, the base classes for the mage and warrior classes. One market difference from previous games is the random encounter battle system. Instead of being entirely random, enemies are encountered in pre-set locations, marked in green on the world map.


The game was directed by Yasumi Matsuno and produced by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. The team responsible for a similar style of games that are by the producers of the games Ogre Battle and Tactics ogre. The game was developed with many references to previous games, and includes timeless series staple mascots such as the Chocobos. Matsuno had wanted to create the battle system for Final Fantasy Tactics himself, but had Hiroyuki Ito on the team and at the time it didn't make sense for him to write the story. Matsuno had asked to do the battle system from the start, but having been short-staffed, he wrote the story instead. He wanted to "create his own version of Final Fantasy, a kind of "morality tale adventure story." The themes he has included in his games reflect the people and the situations Matsuno was working in at that time. A major theme in Tactics is the class-based hierarchy society of nobles and commoners. This came about Matsuno joining Square and discovering that some individuals there "were like royalty" their talent, and had amassed abundant social capital. Experiencing this made Matsuno doubt whether someone without "gifts" could even succeed at Square.


Final Fantasy Tactics

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Final Fantasy