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OtapediaKing Tekken - Figures

The world-famous fighting game Tekken has a character known to masquerade around in an intimidating mask. King suits the description with his fierce and mysterious jaguar mask and courageous fighting in the series. The former orphan who is from Mexico has accumulated many fans ever since the Tekken series was released. The popularity of his character in the game and his courageous fighting style led to a large number of figures of him being created. Tekken has a diverse cast with many different fight abilities, however, King's fierce presence and determination have led to the availability of a host of figures of him, compared to some of the other characters from the video game series. Some of the most popular King Tekken figures that have been created are "Pop! Games: Tekken - Tekken King Classic”.

Pop! Games: Tekken - Tekken King Classic Figure

Funko's painted figure turns popular King Tekken into the mysterious and chibi-sized artwork that fans would love to collect. While King is also presented as KingII, with another appearance in the game series, this original jaguar look is iconic and a staple in the classic Tekken world. In this figure, fans get to see King shirtless in his signature purple wrestling tights and golden boots. His determined personality can be seen with his clenched fists as he poses like he's seconds away from his next match. His legs are posed in a battle-ready stance as his mask terrifying opponents. The painted finish to the figure displays the high level of detail that went into its creation.

  • Product Name: Pop! Games: Tekken - Tekken King Classic
  • Series: Tekken
  • Product Line: Pop! Games
  • Manufacturer: Funko, LLC.
  • Specifications: Painted, non-articulated, non-scale vinyl figure

About King

King is one of the most popular from the Tekken series, who enters the King of the Iron Fist Tournament. He hails from Mexico and trained in wrestling. Here’s more detailed information about the background and abilities of the popular character Tekken character.


King grew up troublesome between an orphanage and the streets of Mexico. One day, while roaming the streets, he stumbled upon a monastery, which is where he was accepted into and became religious. In an attempt to escape his ways of the past, he set out to become a wrestler and build an orphanage. King entered Heihachi Mishima’s tournament in hope of winning so that he could fund his planned orphanage. While at the tournament, King encounters one of his fellow rivals from Mexico, now known as Armor King. Eventually, King won third place in the tournament earning him enough funds to pursue the building of the orphanage. King’s new orphanage helped many children until an accident occurred. Now depressed by the events at his orphanage, King retired and fell victim to alcohol. Unexpectedly, upon convincing the Armor King to get back in the ring and prepare for the next tournament, King overcame this depression and entered the next tournament to raise money for his orphanage. Now back at the orphanage, King started to teach martial arts to the children who’d live there before being murdered by Orge. One of the orphans takes King's place, calling himself King II. The New King, King II, and Armor King eventually join forces due to a common enemy, Ogre, and start training again.

Special Abilities

King has many special abilities in the game series which are throws and attacks. His popular Knee Bash deals a blow to the opponent causing the opponent to fall back. The One-Two Combo, also known as Palm attack is a move where King deals a double knockout using his fists in a Boxing style. The fighter is capable of many other boxing-related moves when in combat.

Other Important Tekken Characters

King has various relationships with other characters from the Tekken series. Some of them are friends and other enemies. Some of the other popular main characters from the series include the son of Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, capoeira martial artist Christie Montiero, and Irish fighter Nina Williams.

Kazuya Mishima

Kazuya Mishima is the son of Heihachi Mishima and eventually becomes a winner of the King of the Iron Fist Tournament. He is the father of Jin and is known to have had a rivalry with his father Heihachi.

Christie Montiero

Christie Monteiro is from Brazil, where she was trained in Capoeira martial arts by Eddy Gordo. She is the granddaughter of the Grandmaster. She entered the King of the Iron Fist Tournament to look for Eddy Gordo after his disappearance.

Nina Williams

Nina Williams is Irish and is from a fighter family, growing up with a high talent for fighting. She initially intended on using her fighting for the good of the world and decided to enter the King of the Iron Fist Tournament to get rid of antagonistic boss, Heihachi Mishima.


Pop! Games: Tekken - Tekken King Classic
Christie Monteiro Figures
Kazuya Mishima Figures
Nina Williams Figures
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