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OtapediaSupporting Dragon Ball Z Characters - Dragon Ball

Here is a list of some other significant and supporting characters from the Dragon Ball Z manga and anime series.


Raditz is Goku’s biological brother from the Planet Vegeta. Raditz was sent to Earth to rendevouz with Goku after the latter was never heard from in so many years. He has extremely long black hair and wears typical Sayian armor with a red band on his arm and leg. He is shown to be very powerful at his introduction. He easily overwhelms Krillin and Piccolo at Master Roshi’s house and even Goku and Piccolo working together. He is eventually defeated by Goku grabbing him from behind and Piccolo piercing them both with a Special Beam Cannon.

Status: Killed by Piccolo with Special Beam Cannon.


Nappa is a Saiyan general. He travels with Vegeta as his companion. Nappa is hot-headed and very quick to anger. Like most Saiyans, he enjoys fighting and conquering planets. He is very durable, as seen when he takes Chiaotzu’s self destruct attack and Tien’s Tri-Beam without taking any serious damage. He is overly confident though, as he tried to catch a Kienzan (Destructo-Disc) until Vegeta urged him to dodge it.

Status: Goku breaks his back with a Kaioken attack. He was then thrown into the air and blown up by Vegeta for losing.


One of Frieza's right hand men, Dodoria is a large, pink, spiky-headed character. He is defeated by Vegeta after failing to realize Vegeta’s huge boost of power following his battle on Earth.

Status: Killed by Vegeta.


Another one of Frieza's right hand men. Zarbon is extremely loyal to Frieza and carries out his orders without question. He is tall, long haired and wears some accessories. He is very conscious of his appearance, which is interesting because he can transform into a strong but much uglier version of himself that he is reluctant to use.

Status: Zarbon was forced to transform into his ugly form before being killed by Vegeta.

Ginyu Force

The Ginyu Force is the elite group of the Frieza army. There are five in total; Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo and of course, Captain Ginyu. They all have unique abilities that they employ to become a fierce fighting force. Ginyu has the ability to swap bodies with an opponent, Recoome is durable and unusually agile for his giant size, Burter has extreme speed, Jeice is a strong ki user and complements Burter with combo attacks, and Guldo can freeze time as long as he holds his breath.

Status: Ginyu was killed when fighting the Z Fighters using Tagoma’s body.


A young Namekian saved by Gohan and Krillin when his village is attacked by Frieza's army. He is saved when Gohan kicks Dodoria in the face and takes Dende away from the village. Dende helps on Namek by introducing the Z Fighters to the Guru and healing their injuries. When he is older, he comes to Earth to take Kami’s, as Kami ends up fusing with Piccolo.

Status: Living in Kami’s lookout as protector of Earth.


The emperor of the universe, Frieza is a cold and ruthless intergalactic warlord who deals in the extermination and trading of planets. This is further emphasized in how he addresses people. Frieza has a very polite, yet slightly condescending manner of speech and uses the correct honorifics until provoked or angered. He is naturally extremely powerful, having fought Goku as a Super Saiyan without having ever trained before. After his defeat on Namek, he was rebuilt as a cyborg by his father's soldiers and invaded Earth. Despite claiming to be stronger than he was on Namek, he is very quickly dispatched by Super Saiyan Trunks. After spending some years wrapped in a cocoon in Hell, he is wished back by his loyal henchmen and healed back to his normal state. He trains for four months and achieves his Golden Frieza form. With this new power, he heads to Earth for revenge on Goku, only to be defeated once again and sent to Hell. Since living in Hell is not a very pleasant experience, Goku makes a deal with Frieza where if he helps during the Tournament of Power, they will revive him once again, to which he agrees. Universe 7 is victorious and Frieza is once again revived and continues to control his evil empire once again. He is briefly seen in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly Movie manipulating and taking Broly to Earth to seek vengeance once more (with a secondary motive being to use the Dragon Balls).

Status: Alive. Running an imperial galactic planet trading organization.

Supreme Kai

Supreme Kai (Shin) is the ruler of the universe’s eastern realms (living world and other worlds). He is often naive and ignorant since his elders were killed by Majin Buu and Babidi. He first appears as mysterious and potentially threatening, as seen when Piccolo forfeits his match against him without fighting. Shin’s demeanor changes rapidly as he sees how powerful Goku and Vegeta are when fighting Babidi’s henchmen. He is unaware of many important things like the identity of Zeno and that Potara fusion is permanent. He fuses with Kibito not knowing the fusion would be permanent. He also lends a hand during the Goku Black incident and is a spectator at the Tournament of Power.

Status: Active ruler of East Universe 7.

Android 17

Android 17 is the older brother of Android 18. He is slightly stronger due to Android 18 having her power suppressed in a failed effort to cultivate obedience. Android 17 is defiant and arrogant, but not completely evil. Even when attacked by the Z Fighters and utterly overwhelming them, he doesn’t kill anyone. He is easily capable of fighting a Super Saiyan and later a Super Saiyan God to a standstill, making him one of the more powerful characters in the series. After Cell is defeated, Android 17 lives on an uninhabited island as a wildlife ranger and even has a child.

Status: Wildlife conservationist, husband, and father.

Android 16

Android 16 is an Android built by Dr. Gero and modeled after his late son. He was built to be stronger than Android 17 and Android 18 and has a very powerful self-destruct bomb planted inside him, but to avoid being destroyed in battle, he was programmed to be peaceful (apart from the desire to kill Goku). He has a deep appreciation of life and is often seen fondly watching birds and other animals. He is upset when Android 18 and Vegeta start fighting and scare away the animals nearby. Cell’s mission deeply disturbs Android 16 so much so that he joins the fight and manages to hold off Imperfect Cell for some time. Imperfect Cell sneakily absorbs Android 17 and in his semi-perfect form defeats Android 16. Android 16 is later repaired by Bulma and attempts to attack Cell once again to self-destruct and destroy Perfect Cell, but his bomb was removed by Bulma, leaving him open to Cell’s counter attack.

Status: Destroyed. Android 16’s dismembered head was crushed by Cell while telling Gohan it’s okay to fight as long as it’s for a good cause leading Gohan to become a Super Saiyan 2.


Cell is Dr. Gero’s ultimate creation. Cell was developed and started by Dr. Gero, but finished by his supercomputer. The computer gathered cells from all of the strongest fighters on Earth. Even when Frieza came to Earth, it managed to collect some of his cells too. Androids 17 and 18 are required for Cell to reach his final “Perfect” form. Before that, Cell is too weak to approach the Androids, so he absorbs thousands of humans to boost his base power. With the help of Vegeta, he achieves his Perfect form and announces a tournament called the Cell Games, which is simply him versus everyone else. He is eventually defeated by an enraged Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Status: Decimated by Gohan’s Kamehameha, Cell is now in Hell, however his Cell Juniors survived and live on Android 17’s island.


Babidi is a wizard, whose father Bibidi (of which he is a kind of self replica) used Majin Buu to destroy many planets and even killed off many of the Kai. He orders Majin Buu to kill Dabura after being warned that Majin Buu would be too powerful to control. Ironically, Babidi is then killed by Majin Buu, as per Dabura’s warning.

Status: In Hell with other villains.


Dabura is the king of the world of demons and is implied he is the most powerful being in that world. However, after he was possessed by Babidi, he became his loyal servant. Dabura questioned Babidi at times, but mostly followed through with his bidding. He is shocked by Majin Buu’s power and realizes the danger it poses to his master. He is killed by Majin Buu per Babidi’s request.

Status: In Heaven, as King Yenma decided Dabura would more than likely enjoy being in Hell.

Majin Buu

Majin Buu is an ancient being that has existed as long as time. He was originally awakened by Bibidi and used to attack many worlds and even the realm of the Kais. After travelling between worlds, Bididi kept Majin Buu in a sealed ball form, which he did on the way to Earth. However, Bididi was killed before he could arrive on Earth and Majin Buu remained sealed for millenia. Babidi found Majin Buu and unsealed him, causing havoc on Earth. Buu managed to separate the evil within himself to create a skinny, grey Evil Buu. Evil Buu then absorbed Good Buu to become Super Buu. Super Buu absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo and Mystic Gohan to become almost unbeatable until he absorbed a fused Goku and Vegeta. They unfused inside Buu and released all the absorbed people, forcing Majin Buu to become his original form, Kid Buu. He then blew up Earth and went on a rampage across the universe before finally finding Goku and Vegeta. In the end Buu was destroyed with a Spirit Bomb.


  • Good Buu - Lives with Mr. Satan and now slim due to training for the tournament of power (that he didn’t actually enter).
  • Kid Buu - Killed by spirit bomb, but reincarnated as Uub.

Mr. Satan

Hercule Satan (often called Mr. Satan) is allegedly the strongest human fighter on Earth. Having won the World Tournament numerous times in the absence of the Z Fighters, he became immensely famous. Although he lied and took credit for defeating sell, his voice reached the masses and convinced many to help create the Spirit Bomb that killed Majin Buu. He pays Goku a lot of money afterwards to make up for the misunderstanding. His daughter Videl is married to Gohan.

Status: Mr. Satan lives with his dog and Mr. Buu (good Buu).


The daughter of Mr. Satan. She first appears as a student from the same high school as Gohan. After figuring out that the Great Saiyaman actually Gohan, she persuades him to fight in the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament. She enters as well, but receives a brutal beating from Majin Spopovich, which angers Gohan so much it forces him to transform into a Super Saiyan. She eventually marries Gohan and has a daughter named Pan.

Status: Living happily with Gohan and Pan.


Dragon Ball Series
Dragon Ball Z Series
Dragon Ball Kai Series
Dragon Ball Super Series
Dragon Ball GT Series
Super Dragon Ball Heros
Akira Toriyama

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